Expose Documentation


Expose provides two API endpoints that allow you to either read or update the currently active server settings.

Reading the settings

To retrieve the currently active configuration, you can perform a GET request to the /api/settings endpoint:

The result looks like this:

      "hostname": "sharedwithexpose.com",
      "port": 8080,
      "database": "/home/forge/expose/database/expose.db",
      "validate_auth_tokens": false,
      "maximum_connection_length": 0,
      "subdomain": "expose",
      "subdomain_generator": "App\\Server\\SubdomainGenerator\\RandomSubdomainGenerator",
      "users": {
      "user_repository": "App\\Server\\UserRepository\\DatabaseUserRepository",
      "messages": {
         "message_of_the_day":"Thank you for using expose.",
         "invalid_auth_token":"Authentication failed. Please check your authentication token and try again.",
         "subdomain_taken":"The chosen subdomain :subdomain is already taken. Please choose a different subdomain."

Updating the settings

To update the currently active settings, send a POST request to the /api/settings endpoint.

The endpoint expects you to send the following data:

validate_auth_tokens: BOOLEAN

maximum_connection_length: INTEGER

messages: ARRAY
messages.message_of_the_day: STRING
messages.invalid_auth_token: STRING
messages.subdomain_taken: STRING

You will receive a response containing the updated configuration as JSON.