Expose provides two API endpoints that allow you to either read or update the currently active server settings.
To retrieve the currently active configuration, you can perform a GET request to the /api/settings
The result looks like this:
"hostname": "sharedwithexpose.com",
"port": 8080,
"database": "/home/forge/expose/database/expose.db",
"validate_auth_tokens": false,
"maximum_connection_length": 0,
"subdomain": "expose",
"subdomain_generator": "App\\Server\\SubdomainGenerator\\RandomSubdomainGenerator",
"users": {
"user_repository": "App\\Server\\UserRepository\\DatabaseUserRepository",
"messages": {
"message_of_the_day":"Thank you for using expose.",
"invalid_auth_token":"Authentication failed. Please check your authentication token and try again.",
"subdomain_taken":"The chosen subdomain :subdomain is already taken. Please choose a different subdomain."
To update the currently active settings, send a POST request to the /api/settings
The endpoint expects you to send the following data:
validate_auth_tokens: BOOLEAN
maximum_connection_length: INTEGER
messages: ARRAY
messages.message_of_the_day: STRING
messages.invalid_auth_token: STRING
messages.subdomain_taken: STRING
You will receive a response containing the updated configuration as JSON.